
a significant impact on your overall health, and managing it effectively can play a part in preventing conditions such as breast cancer,” she explained.

Breast cancer survivor Michelle Stevens, 49, can’t emphasize enough the importance of early detection and proactive treatment in fighting the disease. Two and a half years ago, when she received her diagnosis, she was overwhelmed with a flurry of decisions that needed to be made swiftly. She was advised to choose a surgeon, schedule a surgery, and select an oncologist right away. But Stevens, a resident of Kearney, Nebraska, decided to pause, ask questions, and understand her situation better before taking the next steps.

Stevens is now midway through her five-year treatment plan. After undergoing surgery, four chemotherapy sessions and 20 radiation treatments at Mercy’s Hall-Perrine Cancer Center in Cedar Rapids, she is confident that she has done everything within her power to combat the disease. This October, as health care institutions nationwide commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Stevens shares her journey and insights with the hope of guiding others who may find themselves in a similar situation.

In choosing her treatment center, Stevens didn’t initially consider traveling beyond her hometown of Kearney, known for its excellent health care services. However, based on the recommendation of her gynecologist, she sought a second opinion from providers at Mercy in Cedar Rapids. Despite being a 6.5-hour drive away and further than renowned medical centers in cities like Denver, Omaha or Kansas City, Stevens felt reassured by the confidence she had in the providers at Mercy.

Stevens highlighted the importance of finding a healthcare provider who is willing to patiently answer all your questions until you are satisfied. For her, this was Dr. Ann Stroh, a medical oncologist and director of survivorship at the Hall-Perrine Cancer Center. “For me, it’s that woman’s intuition, that gut feeling of having that connection with your oncologist and really knowing they have your best interest in mind,” she explained.

Dr. Stroh emphasized the importance of providing accurate information to patients, so they don’t have to spend time and energy searching for resources. She encouraged patients to take a moment to breathe when the information seems overwhelming.

Beyond cancer treatment, Dr. Stroh also helped Stevens plan for potential health concerns post-treatment. For instance, considering the medication Stevens was on, Dr. Stroh helped her devise a plan to protect her bone strength and joint health from potential side effects.

Stevens confessed that the most challenging part of her journey wasn’t the surgery or chemotherapy but learning to live life with cancer. “Choosing to live the best life you can with cancer is a daily battle people don’t recognize. You have all your hair back, you’re not in treatment, you look healthy — but on the inside, the battles are real,” she expressed.

Stevens advises other women to be persistent in their questions or concerns with providers until they get a satisfactory answer — before or after diagnosis. “You owe it to yourself to learn everything you can about your cancer and treatment and not feel rushed or pressured,” she said.

For those undergoing treatment, Dr. Stroh recommends finding healthy coping mechanisms for stress, one of which includes exercise plans tailored to treatment stages. “Not only does it help with endorphins, but it helps with cardiovascular health and all sorts of things,” she said.

Dr. Stroh also stressed the importance of prevention for those who don’t have breast cancer. This includes knowing family history, maintaining good lifestyle habits like regular exercise, keeping a lower body mass index, not smoking, limiting alcohol use and managing stress effectively. After all, prevention is key in mitigating risk as per the latest health/fitness trends&news.

In conclusion, the journey of a breast cancer patient like Stevens underscores the significance of early detection, proactive treatment, and the power of knowledge in fighting the disease. It’s a reminder of the importance of taking charge of one’s health and making informed decisions based on the best supplements to lose weight, latest technology trends, and how to make money online.


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